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At GTJones and Co we offer a comprehensive pump refurbishing service. Our aim is to provide a “better than new” pump, improving life and efficiency by fully resin lining the internal surfaces of the pump casing. Based on our previous experience which has demonstrated that a resin lined pump, carried out to high standards of preparation and application, should give a greatly improved service life. Other typical design features we have incorporated on previous projects are as follows:

Stiffer shaft (+50%) with no sleeves and consequent fluid leakage paths.
Impellers mounted on taper diameters to ensure reliable fits for impeller forces.
Shaft and impellers run directly in diamond machined resin linings to improve rigidity, dynamic support and very close clearances (NB no neck bushes or wear rings fitted).
Reduced running clearances significantly decrease internal leakage losses and improve pump efficiency.
Revised flow at impeller suction to improve efficiency.
Careful alignment of pump volute chambers to correct geometric deficiencies in original castings.
Redesigned bearing housings and throwers with revised grease lubrication.
Modified stuffing box and lantern ring arrangement, With redesigned gland drivers.
Ceramic coated pump sleeves give significant improvements to sleeve life.

We believe the above changes will considerably improve both life and efficiency of the pump and prove more cost effective over the longer term.
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